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Photo of woman reaching for a book in a library by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

We Can Get That for You

One day, it happens: you search for a book in Normal PL's catalog or bookshelves, but it's NOT THERE. What to do?!? Like countless seekers before you, you approach a NPL staffer or email us or phone us.

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Image of Normal Public Library website main page with a red arrow pointing to the Request a Browser Pack link

Browser Packs: Take the Library with You

Do you miss our main library building at 206 W. College yet? Yes, our wonderful annex across the street at 201 W. College is delightfully cute and beautifully stocked with a handful of new items in every format, staffed by the same smiling NPL faces you've come to know.

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Image of cell phone on table next to small yellow leaf

Text reminders? Yes, we can!

Prefer text notifications to emails or phone calls? We can do that via ShoutBomb!

If you'd like to get a text from NPL notifying you when your hold becomes available, or to renew your items, you can do so. To get started:

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Woman Reading by Radu Florin

What Should I Read Next?

Ahhh... no feeling like summer reading in the shade. We at Camp NPL are EMBRACING THIS, friends. But what if you can't find something to read? You know the struggle, especially if you're a mood reader. Everything that looked shiny and perfect on the NPL shelves won't quite do when you get home.

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Tax time

It's Tax Time

It's that time of year again: tax time! If you need forms to complete your taxes, we are happy to assist you in printing or obtaining those forms. We have free federal 1040 forms at our service desks, as well as bound 1040 instructional books available for checkout. Forms may be picked up in-person or via our curbside pickup service.
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