We offer a lot of different kinds of books. Most books in this section have an unlimited checkout limit. Everything checks out for two weeks, making it easy for you to keep track of your items.
You will find a wide variety of fiction, biographies, and non-fiction in Adult Services, Teen Services, and Children's Services. Adult Services also contains some fiction genre sections, including Inspirational, Mystery, Science Fiction & Fantasy, and Westerns. Hardback and paperback books are generally available in all areas.
Read on for some information on more specialized collections of books.
Special Book Collections
Don't miss out on some of our more specialized book collections. Unless otherwise noted, these items have unlimited checkouts.
Graphic Novels
Find Graphic Novels on both floors at the library.
Large Print
We are proud to offer a large selection of Large Print books, both fiction and non-fiction, on the first floor.
A collection of books for adult new readers that are high-interest, but lower reading level. This collection is also great for people learning English.
Local History
A wonderful collection of local history books, many of which can be checked out!
New Books
You can't miss our new book displays when you walk into the library! New fiction now checks out for two weeks, just like everything else!
Visit Children's Services for a well-curated collection of parenting books and other books of interest to adults.
Adult Services and Children's Services each maintain a small collection of reference materials. Reference materials cannot be checked out, so you know they will always be at the library!
Spanish Books
Spanish language materials can be found in their own section in Adult Services. In the Children's Department, Spanish materials can be found in the non-fiction collection.
Study Guides
We offer a good-sized collection of study guides for various tests.
Find Your Next Read
Browse our recommendations for Adults, Teens, and Kids to find your next favorite read. See also our Browser Pack form to receive a collection of up to 30 items, curated by library staff based on your interests.

New & Best Sellers
Visit our catalog to see the newest items that have been added to our collection. Look for the dropdown box above the cover images. Take a look at the newest books, DVDs, and music at the library and in our library system. Here, you can also view bestseller lists.