Normal Public Library Foundation
Normal Public Library Foundation’s purpose is to support the library by funding projects and developing relationships within our community.
If you would like to be involved in the Foundation, please let us know. We appreciate your help!
Learn more about the Normal Public Library Foundation here.
Normal Public Library is always honored when community members think of us to memorialize loved ones.
Many patrons will donate books or make monetary contributions to be used to buy books that their loved ones would have enjoyed.
The library puts nameplates in these books, honoring the person who has passed away.
Patrons also sometimes make monetary donations—big or small—in remembrance of a loved one.
We are happy to work with you to find the best way to honor the memory of your loved one.
Monetary Donations
Normal Public Library greatly appreciates monetary donations of any size.
If you would like to make a monetary donation to the library, please make checks payable to the “Normal Public Library Foundation” and either mail them to us or bring them to the Front Desk.
If there is a specific item or type of item that you would like your donation to go towards, please don’t be shy! We are happy to work with you.
You can make a donation to Normal Public Library Foundation online:
You also have the option to make automatic monthly donations.
We will happily provide a letter for tax purposes.
Prizes for Programs
The library offers many programs that depend on local businesses and organizations donating prizes. If you are interested in donating prizes, we would love to hear from you!
Besides being a great help to us, donating prizes can also be very advantageous to business owners by raising awareness of your business and by bringing in new people.