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Photo of woman reaching for a book in a library by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

We Can Get That for You

One day, it happens: you search for a book in Normal PL's catalog or bookshelves, but it's NOT THERE. What to do?!? Like countless seekers before you, you approach a NPL staffer or email us or phone us.

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NPL/EAC BioBlitz: Read, Renew, Record!

BioBlitz 2024: Read, Renew, Record!

Have you ever seen an odd-looking insect and thought, "What on Earth is that?" I've had similar thoughts about a plant. "Could that be poison ivy?" Now is a great time to find out the answers to these questions!

Join Our BioBlitz!

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Image of Normal Public Library website main page with a red arrow pointing to the Request a Browser Pack link

Browser Packs: Take the Library with You

Do you miss our main library building at 206 W. College yet? Yes, our wonderful annex across the street at 201 W. College is delightfully cute and beautifully stocked with a handful of new items in every format, staffed by the same smiling NPL faces you've come to know.

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Photo of a black man in a white tee shirt holding a mobile phone with landscape in the background

Tracking Your Reading

New year, new pile of books to read -- and maybe some new book challenges, too. you may find it useful to track your reading this year.

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person's torso painting with paint on hands

Arts Events at the Library this Summer

Summer Reading is well on its way, and with the Find Your Voice theme, now is the perfect time to get artsy at the library.

From writing poetry to folding origami to singing a song, art can take many forms. It's all about expressing yourself and creating something new!

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Find Your Voice 2023 Summer Reading

Find Your Voice in NPL's Summer Reading Challenge!

Come one, come all to the NPL Summer Reading Challenge, "Find Your Voice!" The goal is simple: to read every day. All ages can participate! Every type of reading, from digital content to magazines to books, counts, and for little ones who can't read yet, you can read TO them.

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View of first floor of Normal Public Library in approximately 1974

It's Our (Building's) 50th Anniversary!

It's official: May 5 marks Normal Public Library's 50th anniversary in this building. NPL has existed since 1938 as a tax-supported public library (and before that, as the Normal Reading Room), but we moved to this space in 1973.

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