Death Cafe: A Program with Life
"What in the world is a Death Cafe?" In short, it's a quarterly program put on by Normal Public Library. During the renovation, we're holding it at The Coffeehouse and Deli in Uptown Normal. The purpose: To openly discuss mortality and its many details, topics to be raised by attendees.
What Are You Doing in There?
Our #1 question at the NPL Temporary Branch these days: "What are you doing in there?" No, not at the Branch itself. Everyone is wild to know what's going on behind the scenes at 206 these days.
We Can Get That for You
One day, it happens: you search for a book in Normal PL's catalog or bookshelves, but it's NOT THERE. What to do?!? Like countless seekers before you, you approach a NPL staffer or email us or phone us.
BioBlitz 2024: Read, Renew, Record!
Have you ever seen an odd-looking insect and thought, "What on Earth is that?" I've had similar thoughts about a plant. "Could that be poison ivy?" Now is a great time to find out the answers to these questions!
Join Our BioBlitz!
Browser Packs: Take the Library with You
Do you miss our main library building at 206 W. College yet? Yes, our wonderful annex across the street at 201 W. College is delightfully cute and beautifully stocked with a handful of new items in every format, staffed by the same smiling NPL faces you've come to know.
Tracking Your Reading
New year, new pile of books to read -- and maybe some new book challenges, too. you may find it useful to track your reading this year.
Do I Hear a (Winter Reading) Bingo?!?
Winter Reading Book Bingo has begun! Readers of all ages may choose a bingo card and read titles to participate.
The Road to Home: Stories from a Shared Past on Route 66
Ever wonder about the collection of old buildings you pass as you enter Normal on Route 66 from the north? There’s a story here – in fact, lots of stories!
Normal Public Library: Featuring the Best Deals in Town!
Oh friends: the December holidays are almost upon us. I don't know about you, but this is when I start to think about the best gifts to give to family and friends who celebrate.
Game On at Normal Public Library
Ready to game on? We thought so, and Normal Public Library is here to help. Tabletop gaming, that is. Our Library of Things has games for all ages and stages.
Behind the Scenes with Home Delivery
It's Almost Spooktober! We've Got You at NPL
It's (almost) the most wonderful time of the year: SPOOKTOBER. As you know, our Adult Reading Challenge for October 2023 is to read / listen to a spooky book. Ohhhhhhhh, friends, WE HAVE GOT YOU.
Money Can't Buy Happiness (Except for Library Materials)
I've said it often: as the Collection Development Librarian for NPL, I have the best job in the building. Why? I get to purchase lots of materials for the library collection. I'm frequently asked, "How do you know what to buy?"