What Are You Doing in There?

Our #1 question at the NPL Temporary Branch these days: "What are you doing in there?" No, not at the Branch itself. Everyone is wild to know what's going on behind the scenes at 206 these days. 

Good news, NPL fam: THE ASBESTOS HAS BEEN REMOVED!!! Many thanks to the Normal Public Library Board and Library Director John Fischer for ensuring that our health in the library building at 206 is a priority. So... does that mean we're ready to let you in the building yet?

No, and I'll tell you why not. As part of the asbestos removal, we had to take out EVERYTHING on the 1972 side of the building. Not just furniture and books, but also lighting, drywall, carpet, electronics, etc. as you can see from this photo. Since we're back to a clean slate, as it were, we can now start renovating on all three floors of the older side. But why is this necessary, you say?

I'm delighted you asked. No, it's not just so we can fill the staff spaces with aquariums full of sea urchins in tiny hats (though that, fam, is a VERY cool idea, and did you know that sea urchins will gladly wear tiny hats? Now you do). 

Since we're down to the studs and concrete anyway, the Library Board and Director decided that this was a perfect time to reframe our indoor space for 2024. This means: Electric and IT infrastructure that can support the wi-fi and Internet we all use (not a thing in 72). Updated desk spaces that fit the number of smiling NPL employees who are happy to serve you. Programming spaces that can better accommodate the types of programs and number of registrants that we invite into NPL. And best of all if you love sea urchins (ahem, staff, I meant), spaces where people behind the scenes can work to get you the services, programs, and materials you've come to love. We are also adding some features we couldn't offer previously, like a Makerspace. We can also refresh to provide maximum accessibility for all.

BUT WAIT, you say. What are you doing in 206 right now while this is going on in half of the building? Are you keeping the good stuff for yourselves, reading all day and eating great snacks? Are you spending your days researching sea urchin hats?

Again, thank you for asking how we spend our days in half of 206 while the fantastic construction folk remodel the other half. Here's a peek at what we're doing:

  • Grabbing materials from 206 that you've placed on hold then taking them in blue carts to the Temporary Branch at 201 W College;
  • Putting away items you returned to the Branch that belong in 206;
  • Planning and getting supplies for amazing programs you can attend in our community locations;
  • Taking stock of every single item in the library and ensuring it's still in good condition for you to use;
  • Buying and processing current items so you're still getting a supply of fab new materials;
  • And so, so much more. 

No reading on the job unless it's blueprints, and no making sea urchin hats during paid time (though I do think our briny friends would look FETCHING in minuscule construction helmets after the dust has settled, so to speak).

HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE, you say? I want to browse! Make connections via programming and wi-fi! Bask in your glorious new environs! Good question, NPL fam. 

We're not exactly sure, is the answer. Remodeling is going on in the 1972 half of the building right now. And as soon as that's finished, our hard-working construction crew will tackle the OTHER half of 206 so the two halves: 1) Connect electronically and structurally; 2) Match visually and are refreshed. It wouldn't be great if we stopped halfway and had old (aka, 1990s) infrastructure in one half of the building while we had electrical, IT, shelving, etc. in the refreshed half. While we have a chance, we're doing both. How long that will take depends on many, many things, like if we experience problems or supply chain issues along the way, how quickly the construction goes, etc.

Key takeaway: Right now, we're hoping and planning for June 2025. That seems realistic based on what the Library Director and others are seeing thus far. We may need to adjust one way or the other as we go along.

We promise, though, that we miss having you in 206 as much as you miss being there. And as soon as we can get you safely in the door again to experience our great new reality, we will make it happen -- even if we're still sadly low on sea urchins (though I remain EVER HOPEFUL on that score).

Want all the details as they happen? Sign up here. Meanwhile, see you back at the Branch!





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